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1795 Jefferson Head Lettered Edge Liberty Cap Cent

by Chris
(Steinwenden, Germany)

Question: I believe my son has a 1795 Jefferson Head Lettered Edge Liberty Cap Cent. The details are difficult to determine because of what looks like crusting on the surface of both sides of the coin. However, here is what I am able to see:

- The edge of the coin says "ONE HUNDRED FOR A DOLLAR"
- On the reverse of the coin, you can distinguish "STATES OF AMERICA"; a wreath with ONE CENT in the center; and 1/100 below the wreath.
- On the front of the coin, you can make out the face; the hat behind the head; and vaguely (very vaguely) the ERTY in LIBERTY; and what appears to be the 79 where the date is located.

I am currently stationed in Germany and am not sure what to do at this point to verify its authenticity. This coin was one of a number of old/foreign coins my son bought from a 'grab box' in an antique store in Fredericksburg, VA before we moved.

Thank you,

My Answer: Chris, I am not sure why you believe your coin to be a "Jefferson Head" rather than the more common 1795 Liberty Cap (although only 37,000 of these were minted). It would be very hard to tell the difference with a coin in the shape that you describe yours to be in.

The reason I do not think that it is a 1795 "Jefferson Head" is that only 3 are known to exist. It is more than likely a Liberty Cap, but still a very cool find!

I suggest that you contact someone at the Early American Coppers Club. They have a website at

If you go to their directory of officers you will be able to email someone with your question.

And please, whatever you do, do not attempt to clean the coin. You could cause irreparable damage that could affect the value of the coin. Someone at the Early American Coppers Club should be able to tell you who to contact about verification.

They will also know who can professionally clean the coin without damaging it.

Hope this helps.

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