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1971 white penny weighs 3.23 grams

by Aide

Weight of white 1971D penny

Weight of white 1971D penny

Today I found a penny. It is white but doesn't appear to be silver and it weighs

3.23 grams. I would like to know if it is an error coin and if it has a value higher than 1¢. It is a also appears to be a bit thicker when compared to my other pennies.

Comments for 1971 white penny weighs 3.23 grams

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Sep 29, 2016
white 1971D penny
by: Eva

It is likely that your white 1971D penny has been plated with something while in circulation. I would think that being plated would also attribute to the extra weight and thickness of the coin.

It is also possible that your coin has been a part of a chemistry experiment where you put a penny in a hot solution of sodium hydroxide and zinc dust. (Cited from:

Aug 04, 2017
Regresar a 1971 penique blanco pesa 3.23 gramos. NEW
by: Anonymous

Tu Lincoln cent esta en wrong planche

Jan 19, 2018
I found one today NEW
by: Brthstog

I just found a 1971 d that weighs 3.25 grams and is as a normal penny in color

Jan 27, 2018
Heavy Planchette? NEW
by: Susan

I have a 1971D penny that feels thicker than all the other 1971 pennies that I have, and it weighs 3.29 grams. How can I tell if this is struck on a thick Manchester or possibly part of some experiment that added to its weight? It is a fairly nice coin.

Jan 17, 2020
Found 3.5 71 D cent on 1-16-2020
by: Sir shep III

Found a 3.5 71 D cent . Not plated . Thick! My scale is NOT off.

Oct 31, 2020
1971 D heavy and thick
by: Anonymous

I have one of these. 3.29. thicker. red.

Oct 30, 2021
1971d penny NEW
by: My newcoin

I too glfound a 1971d that weighs 3.16 and it's made of something didn't than I've seen. The court is coming off the back in a few places. If I didn't know better I'd say it was lead. It's definitely not copper or steel anybody know anything?

Dec 05, 2021
71 D Lincoln cent weighs 2.90 grams
by: Anonymous

I found a penny yesterday coin roll searching that
is quite different. It's a 71 D dull grey in color, and it weighs 2.90 grams. It appears to be rusty looking through a microscope, but it is not magnetic. In my online search, I found another 71 D penny someone else posted that has the same weight and looks virtually identical to the one I found. Rusty looking surface around the rim covering the "in God we trust" and dull grey underneath. Obviously this is some variety of a 71 D penny or there wouldn't be more out there just like it. Anybody know anything about this oddball penny? If so, please send me a message at letter-vee+howard number 49 at gee male dawt com. Any information you have would be much appreciated.

Nov 21, 2022
1971-D 1.6 grams
by: Anonymous

I have a 1971-D penny that weighs 1.6 grams
Can u email me with any info please
Actually have a bunch of error coins I could use some advice on , if anyone could help me

Feb 07, 2023
1971 NEW
by: Anonymous

1971 weigth 3.01 grams consider error

Mar 07, 2023
1955 penny weighs 3.23 grams
by: Beverly Clark

I found a 1955 penny that weighs 3.23 grams.
The color is red, and it’s slightly ddo

Aug 14, 2024
1971 penny weight 3.21 NEW
by: richard

I have also found a 1971 penny that weighs 3.21 gr this one the date and moto are thick and has little to no wear with bright normal color

Mar 14, 2025
1971 penny mint mark s weight 3.23
by: Anonymous

I have also come across a very nice clean s mint 1971 weighs in 3.23 grams. Double and tripled checked amongst 5 digital scales all conclude to same answer. So is this a rare coin. Valuable beyond face value? Please email me with information

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