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5 Dollar Gold Coin

The Half Eagle is a 5 dollar gold coin produced by the United States Mint from 1795 to 1929. They were authorized by the Act of April 2, 1792

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20 Cent Piece

The 20 Cent Piece is a twenty cent coin made by the United States Mint beginning in 1875 and ending in 1878, one of the shortest mintages in U.S. History.

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My First Collectible Coin Find

I have been collecting coins since I was ten years old and of course I would go through my change and admire my coins for something unusual and exciting.

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1945 Penny with Buffalo Nickel backing

My grandfather left this coin to me, but do not know much about it. Can you help?

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1971 white penny weighs 3.23 grams

Today I found a penny. It is white but doesn't appear to be silver and it weighs 3.23 grams. I would like to know if it is an error coin and if it has

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Value of one-sided nickel

Question: Okay so I have a nickel that has the tails side but not the head. It literally looks like only one side was minted and the other is flat. The

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What does 2 of Date over 1 mean?

Question: In my 2010 Rotographic Collectors Coins GB Annual I keep coming across notes against coins as under:- 2 of date over 1

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Small 'w' on Reverse of Walking Liberty Half Dollar

Question: On the reverse side of a 1943 walking liberty 1/2 dollar, there is a 'w' to the right of the HALF DOLLAR and just under the tip of 1 feather.

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Error Coins

Error Coins are coins that have some sort of a mistake on them, originating at the U. S. Mint. The

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Two Headed Coin

I get a lot of questions from readers wanting to know the value of a Two Headed Coin or sometimes even coins with two reverse sides (tails) they have found.

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British Coin forecast 2012

British Coin forecast 2012 www.petitioncrown.com The main auctions for 2011 have just been completed and record prices have been achieved. To laugh or

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is it good to save for axample, a penny for every year, or just a sample.

Question: I have pennies, shillings etc for lots of years, but a lot are the same except for the date. Is it right to save them all in albums as i am?

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How can I get a price guide on pennies I've saved?

Question: I have several gallon jars of pennies I have saved over many years. I'm sure many are only worth 1 cent each. But I'm sure I have a few that

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kennedy 40% half dollar weigh?

Question: What does a Kennedy 40% silver half dollar weigh? My Answer: The weight for the Kennedy Half Dollars dated 1965-1970 with a composition of -

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How many 1982 d small date pennies were minted?

Question: I would like to know how many 1982 d small date us cents were minted. My Answer: Nick, as far as I know, the Mint has never released the mintage

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