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How can I locate banks which receive the new Quarters when they are minted?

by Marilyn
(Manahawkin, NJ)

Question: Commerce Bank (now TD Bank) used to have a Quarters Club where you would be notified when the new State quarters where available and come into the bank to get one. Do other banks offer this for the American the Beautiful Quarters?

Answer: I am sure that different banks have different policies concerning how they handle coins that they know are going to be popular to collectors. I do not know how to locate banks that cater to collectors, except to call them up and ask.

You might consider checking out The United States Mint website. You can sign up for email notifications about new coin releases and you can even set up a subscription much like a magazine subscription, except you would receive a set number of coins or rolls of coins, when they are released.

If you decide to check out the Mint's website, just scroll down to the lower left menu options and you will see "E-Mail Sign-up" and then a little further down - "Subscriptions"

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Apr 14, 2010
Thank You!
by: Eva - moderator

Thanks Marilyn! I am sure there are many other visitors who may find your question helpful.


Oct 28, 2010
America the Beautiful
by: becki

No luck yet with the banks. Quarters or the Presidential $1 coins. I am a casual collector and don't wish to pay more than face value. Who or where are they being circulated?

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