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Recommended Coin Information Sites

There is a wealth of coin information on the internet.

Believe me, I have checked out my share of these coin sites in my quest to learn everything I can about coins and coin collecting. On this page, I will be recommending the coin links that I think are the most beneficial to you as you begin your new coin collecting hobby. Check back often for updates.

The first two coin sites that I recommend for coin information are non-profit organizations dedicated to educating people about numismatics.

  • American Numismatic Association

    The ANA was founded in 1891. Here is their mission statement as taken directly from their site:

    "The American Numismatic Association is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to educating and encouraging people to study and collect money and related items. With nearly 33,000 members, the Association serves the academic community, collectors and the general public with an interest in numismatics.

    The ANA helps all people discover and explore the world of money through its vast array of programs including its education and outreach, museum, library, publications, conventions and seminars."

  • American Numismatic Society

    The American Numismatic Society(ANS) was organized in 1858 and incorporated in 1865 in New York State and operates as a research museum. Here is their mission statement:

    "The mission of The American Numismatic Society is to be the preeminent national institution advancing the study and appreciation of coins, medals and related objects of all cultures as historical and artistic documents, by maintaining the foremost numismatic collection and library, by supporting scholarly research and publications, and by sponsoring educational and interpretive programs for diverse audiences."

For some great deals on coins, check out these sites:

Here are some more coin sites that I have found to have interesting and useful coin information:

  • CoinShows.com

    If you want to know when a coin show might be in your neighborhood, check out this site.

  • CoinLink

    The Online Numismatic Resource for News, Articles, Events, Dealer Directory

  • Coin Community Forums

    Our numismatic forums are dedicated to coin and currency collecting around the world. The best coin collectors are the most educated collectors. Our forums members range from novice collectors to experienced dealers that are eager to share knowledge and make the hobby enjoyable for everyone.

  • Coin Collecting Links - The best Coin collecting websites on the internet

  • Coin Directory

  • King of Hobbies

  • Old and Ancient Coin Directory - Numismatic Resource and Directory

  • Be A Gold Buyer - "Learn How to Buy & Sell Gold & Silver Jewelry, Coins, and Bullion for Profit"

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