Your choice of coin collection storage is important if you want to safeguard the value of your collection.
You should store your coins at a relatively constant, moderate temperature with low humidity.
Avoid storing coins in a basement or attic. Attics tend to be overly hot, dry, or musty, and basements are usually damp and prone to water damage. So do not store your coin collection in these places unless your attic or basement is air-tight, water-tight and climate-controlled.
Moisture of any kind can damage a coin. It can cause, or at least be a contributing factor, to chemical reactions within the metal of the coin.
Even if the manufacturer of the coin storage container you plan to use advertises that it is watertight, you should still take precautions.
Although the container itself may not let water get in, the moisture that is in the atmosphere inadvertently gets sealed up with your coins.
I suggest that you put a desiccantA desiccant is a drying agent such as silica gel that will absorb the moisture and keep it away from your coins and is available at most coin supply stores and hardware stores. in the container with your coins. This is especially important if you live in an area of high humidity.
For more coin collection storage ideas check out Coin Collecting Supplies.
When considering coin collection storage, coin security is also an important issue.
Coins are a very portable and profitable target for thieves, so be careful who you talk to about your collection. Word can spread very quickly about valuable coin collections and you could find yourself the target of burglars.
For more valuable or rare coins, I suggest that you keep them in a Home Safe
or a Safe Deposit Box at your bank. The one you decide on depends on how often you want to get your hands on your coins.
When considering a home safe for coin collection storage, keep these things in mind for maximum coin security:
A lot of the major coin shows have security rooms available for coin collection storage as a courtesy to collectors and dealers attending their show. This would be a much safer option for your coins.
In summary, choose your coin collection storage carefully, keeping in mind all the options above to insure that both you and your coins remain safe.
That way you can take all of your coin books with you where ever you go.
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